In a lengthy rant on X, formerly known as Twitter, British rapper M.I.A. took to the platform to publicly outcast JAY-Z and Roc Nation, accusing them...
"The Book of Clarence is a film that I wanted to make for many years. While I was working on The Harder They Fall and all my other projects,...
Members of the REFORM Alliance board, co-chaired by Michael Rubin and Meek Mill, alongside founding partner Shawn “JAY-Z” Carter, are set to host an exclusive extravaganza...
The Brooklyn Public Library is set to unveil a tribute to one of hip-hop’s most influential figures, JAY-Z, in a temporary exhibition aptly titled ‘The Book...
Last night, Jay-Z, DJ Khaled, Lil Wayne, Rick Ross, John Legend and Fridayy closed out the 2023 GRAMMY awards with a performance of their nominated song...