
Izzy Strange – A Good Day 2 B The Bad Guy




After a strong line of singles and videos, Pennsylvania’s Izzy Strange finally unveils his latest body of work, “A Good Day 2 B The Bad Guy” –

The kid from the hometown of Scottsdale puts forth a high quality presentation bursting with vivid production. That can be credited to the skilled craftsmanship of producers Nate Fox, Casa Nada and Netherfriends. This is a big leap forward from his freshman effort, “Dinner With My Enemies”. Strange seems to have fully found his stride and rythm. He tackles topics such as his family, religion and love. This is very evident on songs like “Everybody Got A Story”, “God’s Got A Gun” and “Real Love”.

However, AGD2BTBG is full some straight up Hip Hop. Songs like “No Commercials”, riddled with organs and DJ cuts, will definitely have your head nodding. The most hard Hip Hop tracks actually carry features from some of Izzy Strange’s faved emcees. Catch songs like “Rappers Say The Darnedest Things” with Open Mike Eagle. Also check for his smash hit with Mick Jenkins titled “No One But Me” (which had the honor of being presented as a #DXclusive on HHDX).

With three videos currently in rotation, his collab effort “At Home” with Blu will become the forth to be treated visually. Izzy recently revealed the basis behind his trip to California. It was to link with the XXL Freshman for a flick filmed in Venice Beach.

Izzy Strange Blu

“A Good Day 2 B The Bad Guy” can be found on Soundcloud, streamed on Spotify and purchased via iTunes now.

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