
The #BostonGotBars Challenge



I was initially going to wait until Monday to write about this (since I’ve already written two pieces this week), but I just couldn’t wait. #BostonGotBars is the latest challenge to take over Facebook, Instagram and Twitter – and it’s certainly a challenge that you won’t be disappointed with. Created by Charles Denold of OGG (Only One God) Films, the challenge showcases hidden talent from various neighborhoods in the Boston area through freestyling, which I always say has become a lost art.

When asked about why he created the challenge, Denold explained saying:

It’s a documentary DVD based on Boston artists. BARS is Bostons Aspiring Rappers & Singers.” Charles continued to explain the creation of the DVD and origin of the challenge

I thought of putting this project together for the simple that Boston is being overlooked. I have been shooting for the documentary since April of 2016. I started the #BostonGotBarsChallenge last Wednesday for all the artist the wasn’t able to make the cut for the documentary, the winner would get a slot on the DVD, I also had in mind that everyone who does the challenge I would share it on my fb timeline so other artist that wasn’t aware or didn’t take time to listen or watch another Boston artist music video, that maybe they would watch if it was a challenge and it worked. I’ve seen artist sharing each other’s video and actually communicating with other. There is over 100 #BostonGotBarsChallenges and still growing as we speak. I did the challenge for the city for more unity, positivity & motivation for every artist that participated I very much appreciated it and #OOGFilms has a lot more coming for the city of Boston.

Whether you rap or sing, as long as you got the bars to prove yourself, take part in the challenge today!

Here are my favorites so far:


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