Yesterday (Oct. 19), Travis Scott released the highly-anticipated video to his single “Sicko Mode” featuring Drake. Directed by Dave Meyers (Aaliyah’s “More Than A Woman,” Kendrick...
With the release of MADEINTYO‘s “Uber Everywhere” earlier this year, many artists such as Trey Songz, Tory Lanez, Maino & Uncle Murda, and a slew of...
Ice Spice has finally released her highly anticipated debut album, “Y2K!“ Supported by the singles “Phat Butt,” “Think U The Shit (Fart),” and “Did It First”...
Last month, Day N Vegas announced their 2022 Festival that was scheduled to be headlined by J. Cole, Travis $cott and SZA. However, the franchise took...
Gucci Mane has been hard at week since his release from prison May. From being featured on numerous records to getting off house arrest, it’s clear...