
J. Cole Responds to Criticism over “Snow On Tha Bluff”



Last night (June 16), J. Cole surprised fans with a new record titled, “Snow On Tha Bluff.

While many thought it was just another conscious record following the death of George Floyd and him recently being spotted at a Black Lives Matter protest in Fayetteville, things changed once J. Cole started addressing the tweets of a woman from social media, 48 seconds in.

“It’s something about the queen tone that’s botherin’ me,” said Cole on the record before coming at her.

Fans quickly identified that the woman Cole was addressing was Chicago rapper, Noname, after she tweeted and deleted the following post below:

After receiving much criticism over the record on Twitter, J. Cole replied with the following series of tweets Wednesday morning:

J. Cole on Twitter: “Morning. I stand behind every word of the song that dropped last night. / Twitter”

Morning. I stand behind every word of the song that dropped last night.

J. Cole on Twitter: “I haven’t done a lot of reading and I don’t feel well equipped as a leader in these times. But I do a lot of thinking. And I appreciate her and others like her because they challenge my beliefs and I feel that in these times that’s important. / Twitter”

I haven’t done a lot of reading and I don’t feel well equipped as a leader in these times. But I do a lot of thinking. And I appreciate her and others like her because they challenge my beliefs and I feel that in these times that’s important.

J. Cole on Twitter: “We may not agree with each other but we gotta be gentle with each other. ✌🏿 / Twitter”

We may not agree with each other but we gotta be gentle with each other. ✌🏿

Based on what I’ve gathered, Cole is saying that he never said he was conscientious; we gave him that title. He doesn’t read much, he just thinks a lot and wants Noname to school him on topics he may seem ignorant in. However, that’s not her job.

The record found many women on social media labeling J. Cole a misogynist.

justice on Twitter: “”it’s something about the queen tone that’s bothering me” like………… classic misogyny. he isn’t woke he’s just lightskin & hotep adjacent. / Twitter”

“it’s something about the queen tone that’s bothering me” like………… classic misogyny. he isn’t woke he’s just lightskin & hotep adjacent.

Dimplez 🇳🇬 on Twitter: “I didn’t mention a name here. However, releasing that record was appropriate today? Singular personal or generalization, that made sense today? He ran this by the women of his team and they okay’d that? My questions remain unanswered. / Twitter”

I didn’t mention a name here. However, releasing that record was appropriate today? Singular personal or generalization, that made sense today? He ran this by the women of his team and they okay’d that? My questions remain unanswered.


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