
Meek Mill Faces Jail Time After Probation Violation



Recently violating his probation for a second tine after failure to get travler’s permission to the American Music Awards last month, Meek Mill is now facing jail time.

During his second hearing today, the MMG rapper stood in front of Common Pleas Judge Genece Brinkley with alongside girlfriend, Nicki Minaj, and pleaded his case in regards to how he’s changed his ways. The Philadelphia native testified saying he has dropped old friends since dating the YM rapper. He also apologized to the Judge after calling her a bitch in record, “The Ride.”

Despite his testimony, Judge Brinkley did not rule in Mill’s favor. She explained that the rapper had not only failed his urine test, but broke travel restrictions – which serves as violation of probabtion.

The judge has since banned Meek Mill from any performances, including in his hometown of Philidelphia until his February 5th hearing.

Meek Mill’s probabtion dates back to 2009 after being convicted on drug and gun charges.

Mill: “I’m don’t wanna be a criminal. I’m not a gangsta. But I’m not a perfect man … I have the potential to be greater than I am today.”

— Bobby Allyn (@BobbyAllyn) December 17, 2015

Judge on Meek Mill: “I bent over backwards so he can have free range to grow his career…It didn’t work out.”

— Bobby Allyn (@BobbyAllyn) December 17, 2015

Judge: Submitting cold water for urine test and breaking travel restrictions considered “technical violation” of probation.

— Bobby Allyn (@BobbyAllyn) December 17, 2015

Judge delays sentencing until Feb. 5. Travels restrictions in place. Judge: “You cannot perform, even if performance is in Philadelphia.”

— Bobby Allyn (@BobbyAllyn) December 17, 2015

Judge delays sentencing until Feb. 5. Travels restrictions in place. Judge: “You cannot perform, even if performance is in Philadelphia.”

— Bobby Allyn (@BobbyAllyn) December 17, 2015


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