Travis Scott has returned with his highly-anticipated fourth studio album, UTOPIA. The journey since the heartbreaking tragedy of the 2021 Astroworld Fest, where ten precious lives...
Lawrence’s very own musical prodigy, Ishafromthe978, is back with her anticipated sophomore album, On Shuffle. Following the success of her previous release, 9999, the Lawrence native...
LeBron James’ son, Bronny, was reportedly rushed to a hospital after suffering a cardiac arrest during basketball practice at the University of Southern California’s Galen Center....
News outlets have confirmed that YNG Cheese, born Devin L. Spady and known as Gillie Da Kid‘s son, was tragically killed in a triple shooting that...
July 21st signifies a significant turning point for 7981 Kal, a prominent member of HSM, as it marks 1122 days since his incarceration. Alongside fellow HSM...