As we anticipate G Fredo‘s return, the Boston artist returns with his highly awaited project, Karma 2. Following the success of his 2020 release, this sequel...
In June 2020, G Fredo, born Michael Brandao, was of one of the 31 individuals arrested and charged in federal court on RICO conspiracy and conspiracy...
Earlier this week, we exclusively reported that HSM’s Hamma Thang was found not guilty in the 2018 murder of Kelby Ramos. As the month continues to...
Earlier this week, it was announced that HSM’s Hamma Thang has be found not guilty in the 2018 murder of Kelby Ramos. As we await the...
Back in June 2020, 31 members of the alleged street gang, NOB ( an abbreviation for Norton, Olney and Barry streets in Dorchester, MA.), were arrested on...