On September 5, Dequantes Devontay Lamar, known to the world as Rich Homie Quan, tragically passed away at the age of 34. Quan’s father and longtime...
Rich Homie Quan, born Dequantes Devontay Lamar, has tragically passed away at the age of 34. According to friends and family, the Atlanta rapper died of...
Releasing his Rich As In Spirit project earlier this year, Rich Homie Quan returns with a new project titled The Gif. Coming in with 7 tracks,...
After a little hiatus, Cash Out returns with a brand new Carter X-produced cut titled, “Born For This” featuring hometown native, Rich Homie Quan. The record...
Quite fitting for Valentine’s Day, Rich Homie Quan performs an ode to the main ride or die chick in his life on his latest effort, “Stay...