After three years, Fabolous returns with his highly anticipated project, Summertime Shootout 3: Coldest Summer Ever. Marking the final installment of the Summertime Shootout series, Fabolous...
Since the release of Velous‘ “Flipmode,” fans have been anticipating Fabolous‘ Summertime Shootout 3 for some time now. The Brooklyn rapper hasn’t released a project since...
After returning last month with his new single, ‘Choosy‘ featuring Jeremih and Davido, Fabolous returns with a brand new track titled, “B.O.M.B.S.“ An acronym for “Back...
Following the release of his Chris Brown-assisted track, “Coming Home,” Casanova returns with his hometown anthem, “So Brooklyn” featuring Fabolous. Directed by Rock Davis, “So Brooklyn”...
Trey Songz shocked fans earlier this month when it was revealed that he had a newly born son named Noah. However, redirecting his attention to music,...