Last night, HBO aired a new episode of Lebron James’ The Shop. Providing a barbershop atmosphere onto TV screens, the new show featured a one on...
UPDATE (5/1/17): J. Cole makes the documentary available on Youtube. Watch above. Original Story 4/17/17: Back in 2015, J. Cole teamed up with HBO to release...
Since the release of Formation, fans wondering what Beyoncé‘s next move would be; especially considering the fact that her tour would be kicking off soon. Last...
Earlier today, HBO took to Instagram a teaser of Beyoncé‘s brand new video, “Lemonade.” Set to premiere on April 23rd at 9 PM, this serves as...
Every Wednesday, J. Cole will be releasing a new episode to his docuseries, Road to the Homecoming. For the first episode, the Roc Nation rapper takes...